New Site, New Comics, and New Faces!

That’s right! We’re back online with a fresh new face ready to breath new life into Petite Symphony! After many months of blood, sweat, and tears, the new site is finally ready for primetime! Since all of our artists toil over their work to ensure the best quality comics they can produce, it is our duty to do the same. Through our hard work and passion, it is our goal to support a friendly community and workplace as well as a safe environment to discuss your favorite styles of art (or anything, really!). The making of this site was no easy task. Indeed, our sanity has been stretched to the very limits! Our glorious server administrator, Doo, who probably wanted to strangle me after numerous encounters with my constantly changing mind, has been ever so helpful and patient! It’s a good thing, too, otherwise this site wouldn’t be close to where it is today; ready to act as a springboard for your art and web-comic needs!

In addition to most of our old crew, we have some fresh artistic blood pumping through our veins! Denise and Otakuman, artist and writer of one of our new titles: Year of the Cow. And MakuZoku, creator of Sangria. They’re amazing artists whos passion oozes out of their work which makes them a perfect addition to our site! Please give them a warm welcome!

And last, but certainly not least! The easily accessible paintchat and forums are back, enabling members of our talented crew and loyal fans to mingle and learn from each other!

-Revision by Cavalry

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